Autor: Nathalie Armella Spitalier
Ilustrador: Mariana Villanueva Segovia
El flechador del cielo
Moctezuma era un tipo fenomenal: todo lo que hacía era genial. Tiraba al blanco sin fallar. Corría más rápido que un jaguar. Hacía a todas las chicas suspirar. Cuauhtémoc era un torpe sin igual: todo lo que hacía le salía mal. Se metía el pie solito al caminar. En la escuela no aprendía ni a sumar. Los otros niños no lo saludaban al pasar.
The Archer of the Sky
Moctezuma was the greatest of guys: Whatever he did was best, and why? At archery he never once missed. Speediest jaguars he left in the dust. Over him the ladies did sigh, all unkissed. Cuauhtémoc was awkward like no one else: whatever he did was a mess, or amiss. When he walked he just trudged alone. In school he couldn’t add but one plus one. Not one other kid ever threw him a bone.
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